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Waldport, OR 97394

(541) 331-5280

100% Natural skin care.



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Dog-Ease 100% natural skin care

My wife and I are in the business of making skin care products for people.  We realized that the secret to a successful product was the quality of its ingredients.  The same is true in dealing with our canine friends.  It’s sad for me to say but there are many products out there being marketed for our pets that are just plain bad.  Why would a hot spot treatment contain 3-4 proven skin irritants?  I can’t answer that one either.   That’s why we created dog-ease.  We use our proven base complex of natural oils (non-toxic to dogs) and infuse them with the proper infusion of essential oils.   The product has a safe dilution of oils (please don’t use strait essential oils on your pet without seeing a vet first).   We use only the highest grade therapeutic grade oils (this is so important) poor quality oils don’t work and can cause more harm than good.   Our selection of oils is also quite important (not all essential oils are good for dogs).  We use Lavender, Peppermint, Elemi and a small safe amount of Eucalyptus oil in a base complex of meadowfoam, jojoba, avocado, evening primrose, and grape seed.   All ingredients are organic non-gmo botanicals (they are the best quality oils available.)   What this combination does is provide a product that will:


*  Calms a stressed animal (elemi and lavender are              fantastic at relieving stress)

*  Heals skin naturally (the base complex will give the skin what it needs to be healthy plus lavender and elemi help to promote new skin growth)

3.  Soothes itchy skin (peppermint  lavender  and  eucalyptus help reduce inflamed and itchy skin)

*  Hot Spot treatment (Get hot spots healing before they get serious ,but please see a vet if they are large and need medical attention)

*  Natural insect repellent (peppermint and eucalyptus are effective )

* 100% natural and safe to use  (no parabens, no synthetics, no alcohol)

*  Good for people too!!!! (this blend is very beneficial for our skin too.)


No corners were cut.  You love your dog and want the best for them.  Try Dog-Ease today.

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